Friday 19 December 2014

An immotional fool

Immotions, feelings, are the words with deep meanings, these words are not of a normal meaning, these words consists of some words like, love, hatred, care, tensions for others etc., but they all have a very deep feeling and are philosophical words. These words when used are meant to be heartly said. It should be taken heartly as this words born out from heart and not from mind. The work of mind is to think, think practically and give a judgement and the mind always think practically and gives a judgement which does not see any thing whether it is harmful or not to anybody or some body who is close or even to the owner of that mind.
These words are now of no meaning or importance as the whole world is becoming practical. They have “No” time to listen to what the heart is trying to tell nor does they have time to sit a while and try to listen. Everybody today are in a race or they are in a stage where they don’t know really what they are doing or how they are living their life and the pitty is that they think they are the happiest person in the world. They think so because they have never peeped into their inner selves and tried to hear their inner voice they have just buried it deep inside from where the voice cant reach to their ears. If by mistake the voice reaches also then also it is immediately suppressed by the mind.
The opposite to this is the person living heartly, that is they live by listening to the heart and not to the mind. These peoples always listen to their heart and act as their heart says to them. No doubt that these people never prosper or gain any fame or any other materialistic wealth, they remain as they were and as they, their life goes on in a stable way.
The only benefit which they have against the others is they never envy others, they never  get frustrated not they become angry. They live in the same stage in happy or sorrow situation. It does not mean that they don’t have any feelings, they feel both happiness and sorrow but they very well know how to digest both the things.
The main characteristics of these persons is when they are sad they never saw how they feel. Instead they remain smiling and happy from outside and when they are happy really which is seldom they always spread it every where.
But as there are not so many of them they are considered as cheap and outdated personalities in this society. Everybody neglects them, uses them, humiliates them.
In short they are called :


Thursday 18 December 2014

A born slave, dies slave

In olden times we know that there used to be slaves who used to work in the fields, houses of the landlords and rich peoples, these slaves were sold in the market in many countries, in olden days, of the world. The slaves had to spent all his life in slavery and his or her children were also being slaved from the early childhood.
This was the condition of the ancient world today such slaves are not bought or sold in the world except in some places but the slavery still exist in the world. These slavery is of different types. People are becoming slave of many things in present time.
This slavery is very dangerous than the slavery which used to prevail in the ancient times. As this slavery is of different kind. The present slavery is, as we can say, is a materialistic slavery, an immotional slavery, etc…….
In ancient times the slaves did not have any choice as they were caught and sold away and mostly they were the tribal peoples who were not literate. They only have to accept the situation and live as their owner’s command. But the present day peoples and in totally opposite condition they are well literate, they are not a tribal person but then also they are a slave. How ?
Friends, today’s people are slave of materialistic wealth and some are immotional slaves.
People long for all the materialistic wealth. People want to possess everything. And once they start possessing they slowly and steadily becomes slave they cannot do without the thing and becomes frustrated. Here the slave is born. For eg. : if a person once did not possessed a vehicle and used to go on foot everywhere but as soon as he possesses a vehicle he will gradually stop going on foot and will go on his owned vehicle and at last he would completely stop walking. This is called slavery and then till his last breath he would be a slave.
Another type of slavery prevailing is the immotional slavery. It is true that it is on in the same proportion as materialistic slavery, it is in a very less proportion as in present age immotional peoples are very less and they are called immotional fools. But friends it is prevailing in the society. This slavery hampers a persons own wish and will. He or she has to live as per others wish and act as per others will. The person is not allowed to say or express any of their wishes or could not act as per their own wishes if they do so they are immotionally suppressed by their own fellow beings and the flow of reasons of suppressing are also given immotionally.
Friends this stage of life is a stage where a person first of all starts to do as per others wish, he starts living as others want him to live and slowly and gradually he becomes habituated to that life inspite of his own thoughts and feelings which he / she has already started suppressing. Now the person is in that state the he / she is not in a state to speak or express his / her own thoughts or feelings this is a complete slavery which we can say is a mental or immotional slavery inspite of the person’s sound mind and intellectual.
In both this type of slavery a person is of a sound mind he is thoughtful and can think of his / her well being but materials or immotional things makes him / her a slave.
In material slavery a person enjoys his life inspite of being a slave but in immotional slavery the person is not able to do so.

Lastly I would just ask a simple question to my reader that is it true to be a slave of materials and is it true to suppress a person who lives immotionally ?

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Thirsty person of desert

Friends, you all might be wondering why am I always writing on a topic which is not used frequently. I would clearify myself here that I love to think about the hidden facts of a human life.
A person whom we look, seems to be the happiest person of the world when looked for the first time or we see him or meet him many a times. But what is truth can't be seem or felt by just seeing or meeting him/her. We can't interpret anyone by just seeing or meeting. For interpreting a person we need to peep in his/her innerself. Then we can interpret the person exactly.
A person looking the happiest might ve the happiest person or it would be jst the opposite. In the whole world only humans have the ability to hide everything and some are expert in hiding their innerself. They are in short living two lives, one to show the world which is fake and the other what they actually are which is real. They generally hide their feelings, immotions, what they want, their longing, etc., etc.,
Friends if we take a simple example of love and happiness, the person who is able to hide will never show how much eager he is for receiving. Instead he will always be loving and careing for all those who r near to him. He will never let anyone know how he feels when he dosen't get what he is longing for. Then also he will always spread love and happiness to all.
Such person are in my opinion the sadest person in the world. They always spreads love and happiness to each and everyone, to such persons also who have shone very humilating attitude towards him but they themselves are deprived of such things. They are deprived of only a single moment in which they can feel heartly.
Such persons are called the "the thirsty person of desert" because in desert, a person dies due to thirst of water, similarly such a person dies longing for a single moment of love and happiness.

Sunday 7 September 2014

An unsuccessful person

Once there was a person living in a city, from the very childhood he was very sincere and hard working, dedicated to the family, always obidient, loving, caring, on the foot to fulfill the wishes of his dear onea. As time passed he tried his best to fulfill the wishes of his family and his dear ones. In this he forgot what his own life was and what were his own wishes, what typw of life he wished to live. In short he just became a commuter.
Friends, this is a common situation prevailing in a middle class family in our country. A boy who comes in this world has many wishes in his heart but when he is born in a middle class family he dosen't know, when he is young, that he will not be able to fulfill his dreams, which he is seeing in his young age, in this worryful world where he only has to do his duties and nothing els.
The culture of the family has made him learn to be dedicated towards duties and not towards own wishes. So he, when he grows up and becomes mature is always dedicated towards his duties and not towards his own dreams and wishes. He starts performing his duties and fulfull it at his best. He tries to make his family, beloved and frienda as happy as possible on the cost of his own wishes and lives happily and smiles always inspite of a crying heart beneath his ownself. Friends after all he is also a human being, he also has a heart which beats, which has some wishes, his mind thinks, he knows everything.
As time passes he suppress all his wishes beneath his duties and starts living in that manner. He tries to find happiness by fulfilling others wishes, expectations towards him.
But firends, its a pity that here he fails as this happiness is not in his fate when nobody understands him, nobody understands or sees what he is doing. Everybody is busy showing him his faults, neglecting what he is doing. No body sees that his heart is crying for happiness which is his right also. He also has the right to live happily in this world. Make his own life, his status, his relations, every thing. But he is not able to do so as he has to live according to others wishes and not as per his wish. Whenever he tries to live for himself even for a minute there are statements showing him his faults, abusing him, insulting him.
Its a pity that when a middle class person makes mistakes inspite of fulfilling all his duties, nobody gives a helping hand but everybody are eager to kik him, supress him and make him a slave, ignoring or neglecting their own mistakes. And the person happily without any rebel accepts all what he is sufferring from and again starts living.
This continues till he takes his last breath.
Finally, i would quote a sentence saied by a famous personality,
"Every body finds mistakes when a person is alive, when he is dead they don't find any mistakes in him."

Thursday 19 June 2014

Living with criticism

Once, there was a politician who did the best job he could. But being human, he made mistakes and was criticized. Reporters repeated his errors in the newspapers. He became so upset that he drove out into the country to visit his dear friend, a farmer. "What am I goind to do?" the politician cried, "I have tried so hard. Nobody has tried as hard as I to do maximum good for the people. But still, look, how they criticize me !"
But the old farmer could hardly hear te complaint of this persecuted politician friend, because his hound dog was barking at the full moon. The farmer rebuked the dog, but the dog kept barking. Finally, the farmer said to te friend; "Do you want to know how you should hadle your unfair critics ? Here's how. Look at this dog; now, look up at the moon. Remember that people will keep yelling at you, they will nip at your heels and they will criticize you. But here's the lesson :
Criticisms are bound to happen. But that does not mean that we should get disheartened and stop the good work we are doing. Often those who criticize each and everyone do not know the reality in full. If we are criticized for doing good, we should be happy about it. Ultimately the criticizers will meet defeat.
Remember that only those who try to do something will face criticism. Criticizers have no subject to point out about those who do not do anything. Therefore, it is better to be criticized after having done something than wasting time doing nothing. If our hands become as active as our tongue, what wonders could be accomplished in this world !
There is another way of looking at criticism. That is criticism which is constructive or helps others to grow and enable them to contribute better. This type of criticism comes from an attitude of concern and unselfishness. If understood and taken in the right perspective, it will produce better results.
Before criticizing anyone or their activity, one should evaluate properly and study seriously the subject matter he is going to deal with. Otherwise, his viewpoint will not hold water. Criticism in literature is of this sort.
Those who are criticized also should take sometime to check whether there is some truth in what others say or point out. If found correct, they should have the readiness and courage to accept the fact. If there is not truth in it, they should ignore it just as the barking of the dog at the full moon.
People are quick to praise and quick to blame. Therefore pay no heed to what others speak of you.
Criticism can be of two types constructive and destructive. Constructive criticism is positive and is a must for our growth. Such criticism comes from our benefactors and friends. They, by criticizing us, try to bring out the best in us. Their sole aim is our growth and development. But we must beware of the people who keep on praising us for whatever we do. Quite often they are not sincere and their words may not contribute to our growth. Their only aim is to get your attention and appreciation.
Destructive ceiticism aims at destroying you. It may be out of jealousy or even hatred. The people who are worried about your growth may ceiticize you with a view to block your growth. Some people are extremely skeptical and they doubt anything you do. Hence they criticize. They cannot see anything positive in our work and go on discouraging us. Such criticism is also destructive.
If we criticize somebody, please make sure that we are genuinely interested in their growth. Our criticism should not destroy or discourage people. Destructive criticism is nothing short of murder as it blocks a person's growth.
When somebody criticizes you, your response shoule be positive and constructive. You have to listen to them carefully and accept whatever is relevant and useful and try to make changes in your action and attitude accordingly. Don't be worried about who makes the criticism, but be consious of what is being criticized. Criticism is a part of our life and hence do not be discouraged or hurt. Such things are necessary for growth.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Living with gratitude

Once a fifty - feet whale was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She had hundreds of yards of line roap wrapped around her tail, and her torso and a line tugging in her mouth.
A fisherman spotted her and radioed an environmental group for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was in a vad state; the only way to save her was to dive and untangle her. But it was a very dangerous work. One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer.
They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her. When she was free, the divers say she swam ib what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushed them gently around. She was thanking them. Some of the divers said that it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives. The man who cut the rope out of her mouth said that her eyes were following him the whole time, and he would never be the same.
Gratitude is the most beautiful and the noblest form of courtsey. The story of the greatful whale is very inspiring. If a whale can express its gratitude towards the people who saved it, how much more must man be thankful to the numerous people because of whom he is able to live a happy life. Man is intelligent and reasonable. He easily understands the sacrifice which other people makes for his well - being. But quite often he takes it for granted and doesn't feel the need of being grateful. How many of us will thank a ricksaw driver for taking us to the place we want to go ? How many of us feel that it is necessary to thank the people, who wash our clothes or clean our house ? If we prepare a list of people who help us to live easily, and in comfort, we will be surprised to see that our entire life is dependent upon other people. To satisfy our need, the toil and sacrifice of other people are needed. If we are aware of the fact, we will be greatful people and a greatful heart can only lead a happy life.
We are happy when other people thank us. Likewise, others also will be happy when we thank them. The normal tendency is to take things for granted. We seldom are ready to give credit to others for the achievements we made because of them. From the moment of our conception in our mother's womb till the moment of our departure from this world, we are dependent upon others. Our parents and teachers deserve life - long gratitude from us. In our day to day life we receive help from many people, some of them we may not even know. The soilders who guard our boundries risk their lives for our sake. Similarly, so many people work day and night to make life enjoyable for us.
Being grateful for graces we recive is the best way to forget our sufferings and shortcomings. There are many things which we don't have or are in badly need of. But there are many things which we already have. If we are disappointed because of the things we don't have, we will not be able to enjoy our life. But if we are concentrating on the things we have, we will be grateful to God and others, and we will be happy.
Hence let us count our blessings rather than our wounds. And thank God for putting roses among the thorns than complaining that God put thorns on roses. It is not sufficient always to be thankful. But we may have to express it. That is why it is written that "Unexpressed gratitude is like winking at someone in the dark. You know how you feel about them, but they don't."

Friday 13 June 2014

Who am i ?

One day a philoshoper was walking down the street. He was lost in thought. Quite accidently he bumped into a man, who was walking along the same road. The philosopher did not stop, as he was still in deep thought. The man shouted, "Well, who do you think you are ?" The absent minded philosopher was heard to mubble, "who am I ? How i wish I knew ?"
This is a very interesting story. The philosopher did not know who he really was ! We all are very well trained to give the correct answer to the question "Who are you ?" But do our answer really reflect, the person, we are ? Quite often they do not. Because we are not our names. When I say that I am so and so, that does not fully explain who I really am. I may continue to explain : I am the son or daughter of Mr. so and so, this is my adress, I work here etc. But such phrases also do not explain our personality. In most of the cases we explain our physical features and other visible qualities. By our actions and behaviour, people may be able to understand a bit about our inner self. But again we are not what others think about us. Our parents, teachers, friends etc., may have some idea about us. And in most cases they may be true. But when it comes to an answer to the question "Who am I ?" all these ideas, knowledge, emotions and feelings need not give a perfect answer. Some people may describe themselves as happy, sad or worried. These emotions show the way they react to different situations in life.
Once a philoshopher said,"I am three persons : the persob I think I am, the person you think I am and the person I really am."
We are not always the persobs we think we are. Some of us will have very positive ideas about ourselves. Like a student who always says after his exams, thatvit was very easy and he would get distinction. But when the results are declared, it is quite contrary. In some other cases students are over worried about their result. They feel that they did not do well and they would fail. There are cases students taking the extreme step of even committing suicide. But when the result are out, they pass with good percentage. These and similar other examples show that our ideas and evaluation about everselves are not always correct. That means we are not always what we think we are.
As we form some ideas about ourselves, the people who live with us, or who are in touch with us also develop some ideas about us. It is always good to know others' opinion about ourselves. That will help ua to know ourselves more and more. A sincere friend can help us in many ways to find who we really are. And that will in turn help us to grow. But others' opinion also need not be true always. They can judge us only externally ; and cannot get a glimpse of our inner self. For that we have to turn to our own inner self. A critically evaluated and balanced understanding of our inner self is very essential for success in life. One has to know his or her own positive and negative qualities, weakness and strength, likes and dislikes and of course the talents and tastes. Confidence emerges from self knowledge. Quite often people pretend that they are great or respected people. Through pretension we may not acquire confidence or respect of other people. In every walk of life, self knowledge is the basis of success.
Understanding oneself is not an easy task. If we are aware, the strangeness of our behaviour will surprise us. Who do I like certain people, certain things, colours ? Why I respond to a sad news or to a happy one in a particular way ? What is my greatest weakness ? What are my positive qualities ? It could take montha and years to find answer to these questions.
Lack of self knowledge and awareness may cost us our very future. Especially if we fail to recognize our talents and potentials, we may not be able to live life in its fullness.
Many people continue to live in miserable condition because they do not know their true nature and hence they do not realize their potentials. Sadly they live on wishes and dreams. Had they recognized themselves and identified their weaknesses and strengths, they would have been different people today.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Life - a compromising journey

Life, how beautiful, how enjoyable. God gave this beautiful chance to every one on this earth. Without life the earth is like a desert, a sea without water, a cloud without moisture, a rainbow without colour. Really life is like a rainbow it has all the colours. As we enjoy seeing rainbow. We become happy by seeing a rainbow and its colours. In the same way there are different colours of life too.
There is happiness, there is sadness, there is everything in life. One should enjoy all the aspects of life. To make life beautiful n worth living.
But the problem is after receiving this boon from god we humans dont know to live life actually.
Some times we complain, some times we quarrel with god for our own life, n some times we are happy too.
My friends, a simple n cute solution for living life satisfactorily is to compromise with life. Make a compromise n u will see that life is worth living.
Here i make my self very clear that am not aaking to compromise in each n every aspect of life but there are some situations some circumstances in which if we compromise we can live happily then by being rude or going front in such situations or circumstances.
When we were young we had many wishes n most of the wishes were fullfilled by our parents. Some were not fulfilled but we didnt feel so disturbed or sad for that as we were not fulfilling it by our own self. When we were collegian we had more wishes but at that time also all the wishes were not fullfilled and at that time we felt sad as we had grew up and we could not bare that the wishes were not fullfilled. All that incomplete wishes made us sad n they lingered in our mind which made us more sad n irritating as we could not withstand that all our friends were having what they wished and we were not having it. So we started blaming others aspecially our parents for this situation.
I clearfy my self that all this situations prevail in middle class n poor class only.
Now after graduation we either go for a job or a small business and then try to fullfill our wishes by our own and all those wishes of the past which were pending, but the problem here prevails is that of the income. As there is limited income we could not fulfill our wishes n we start cursig ourselves and our fate too. As we get married our responsibility increases and again there is a barrier in fulfilling our own wishes. This all situation prevails untill our death.
So friends what is the solution for this situaion ? Is it so that we should live or adapt such life style as we are living ? i.e. full of anger and irritation ? No friends no its not the way to live. By this we cant enjoy the life.
Friends, if from our college life if we start to make compromise with this situation we could make our life worth living because if we compromise on this things which are not fullfilled it would not linger in our mind and we can think of our life in a very positive way. We can also fulfull our responsibility properly n make our family happy.
Here compromise does not mean that we lost in our life but it means that we thought of a different way of making our life happy. It does not mean that only materialistic possessions make life happy. There are many other things that can make our life happy n fruitfull.
So friends think it over and if possible make the life happy and fruitfull and most important worth living

Thursday 5 June 2014

Marriage Life.

When I was young I used to think about what is marriage.
When I was teenage I used to go with my family in the marriage ceremonies. I used to think what is this marriage ? How two unknown persons can live together for the whole life. Then slowly slowly I started understanding the real meaning of marriage.
Marriage is where two souls becomes one. Marriage is where the husband promises to protect, to love his wife and to give all the happiness to his wife for the whole life. In return wife also promises her  husband that she would make him happy in all the senses and be with him in all his difficulties. Will be in true sense an “Aardhangini”.
But friends when we see this world the real meaning of marriage is no were we feel that the real meaning is vanishing and a practical relationship is taking its place. Friends in todays world marriage is just an agreement nothing else. When we see a couple in public places we feel that how happy they are in their married life. But when we peen into their personal life we come to know that it was only a showoff. A showoff to show the world that they are happy. Actually they had an agreement of showing every one that they are happy but in real sense they are not.
After marriage the expectations on both the sides starts increasing on both the sides. We first take the expectations of the husband : he whishes that his wife should take care of his family, friends and relatives. She should make him also happy and take care of their children. He doesn’t want to take any responsibility except to earn money. He starts thinking himself as the boos of her wife and starts bossing on her. He starts expecting that what he says his wife has to do by hook or by crook.
Now we move towards the expectations of wife : No doubt she is coming after leaving her fathers house so its obvious that she would have more expectations than his husband. She whould wish that she should be treated well in her house, she should get love and care, she should be treated well by her husband and his family and childrens, she should get respect from her husbands family, friends and childrens. Her husband should fulfill all her wishes.
But the main problem starts from this very expectations my friends, when the expectations are not fulfilled both of them becomes sad then they are irritated and finally they starts quarreling and lastly if its out of control then divorce or an agreement that they will show all others that they are really happy but from inside they don’t even like to see each others faces.
Friends, my question is, Is this the real marriage which we were thinking of when we were young or teenage ? No, my friends no. Then ? What is the remedy for this ?
The remedy is so simple if we think it properly. Try to adjust each other, give respect to each other, try to understand each others feelings. I am dam sure that there would be a real happy marriage life there after.
So my friends, try to implement and think it over this matter seriously and please if it is possible make others understand this very simple solution of making a marriage life truly happy.

Monday 21 April 2014

Living life with two faces

Once in a town there lived a person named Maniram, he lived with his family of a wife and two sons, Maniram was a learned person he had a nice and flourishing business in the town and had a good reputation. But Maniram had a draw back. He used to pretend of being the most learned person in the town which was not, as he pretended. Another thing which was peculiar in him was he used many faces in his life. For eg. : When he meet a person whom he hated the most, then also he smiled and greeted him as though he is the best friend of that person. Or a person with whom he is not interested to talk would talk with him very gracefully. All this things he did only to show off it was not from the heart.
In this world we meet such Manirams daily. They are the people who live their lives with two faces. One is the original face with which he or she is born with and the other is the face created by himself or herself. This is known as living a life with two faces.
There are no imotions or feelings or sympathy in such faces. They are simply a practicle face with many other faces on it. For eg. : Smiling face, an angry face, a loving face, etc., etc., all the expressions are fake just fake.
This type of people can’t have any such emotions at all. It seems that this type of heartly emotions are being extinct from the world. Now a days people don’t have any sympathy or love or feelings towards each other they just show off all this things. In short we can call them a perfect actor.
They show all this things for their personal benefits. There is no connection from the heart when they see that there is no benefit from a person they throw them away as we throw a pen whose ink is over. That is “use and throw” motive.
In olden age people use to meet each other heartly they welcome each other warmly but in present world it is not so. We are welcomed if we are going to give any benefit to them. We are warmly treated if there is any benefit to them. Relations are kept for benefit and not for any personal feelings or warmness or any other thing.

Lastly I would say that in olden age there were humans living on the earth who had hearts in them, in present age there are humans but they don’t have heart in them.

Saturday 12 April 2014


The secret of success can be learnt from the life histories of successful people. If we identify and adopt the qualities of successful people, we too shall be successful. Similarly, there are characteristics common to people who aren’t successful. If we avoid those characteristics, then we shall not be failures. Success is no mystery. It is simply the result of consistently applying some basic principles. The reverse is just as true : Failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly.
What makes a person successful ? To some people, success might mean wealth. To others, it is recognition, good health, a good family, satisfaction and peace of mind.  Success means different things to different people. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.”
Here ‘progressive’ means that success is a journey, not a destination. We never complete our journey, after we reach a goal, we go on to next and the next and so on.
‘Realization’ means it is an experience. Outside forces cannot make us feel successful. We have to feel it within ourselves.
‘Worthiness’ refers to our value system, without which goals can be unworthy. Worthiness determines the quality of the journey. That is what gives meaning and fulfillment. Goals are important because they give us a sense of direction.
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
To be a person of success, we may have to encounter heart – breaking obstacles.
Once a biology teacher was teaching his students how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  He told the students, that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help the butterfly. Then he left.
The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon and against the advice of the teacher, one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly to come out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help it, so that it didn’t have to struggle anymore. But, shortly afterwards, the butterfly died.
When the teacher returned, he was told what had happened. He explained to the student that it is a law of nature, that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps the butterfly to develop and strengthen its wings.

Apply this same principle to our lives. No success in life comes without a struggle. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy. We cannot run away from our problem. Only losers quit and give up.


The child who is dressed with prince’s robes,
And who has jewelled chains round his neck
Loses all pleasures in his play ;
His dress hampers him at every step.

In fear that it may be frayed, or stained with dust
He keeps himself from the world,
And is afraid even to move.

Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery,
If it keeps on shut off,
From the healthful dust of the earth,
If it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair
Of common human life.

This is the poem written by the great poet of India Rabindranath Tagore. He wants to convey the message to us that a child should enjoy the childhood by being close to the human beings and the mother earth.

You all will be thinking that I am in a mood to give the perafrace of the poems but friends you all are mistaken, no I am not in any such mood. I just want to share the same thought as Rabindranath Tagore had.

Friends, we all had our childhood and we all had enjoyed our own childhood very nicely. How happy we were when we all were young. As a child we use to enjoy each and every moment of our life. Even our parents, when they were young, enjoyed their childhood very much. We use to play the games like cricket, football, badminton, etc., wwe love to be with our friends, we use to quarrel with our friends but the next moment we also play together, we also use to play street games too very enthusiastically. We used to play with “Marbles”, “Gulli Danda”, and many such games in the streets. We were not afraid of getting hurt or getting durty by playing in the streets. I a true sence we enjoyed our childhood. As the poet has said we have been close to the mother earth and the human beings.

But the present generation, pitty to say, is not at all enjoying their childhood. They are just being living an isolated life. Isolated in the connection with the mother earth in connection with nature. I mean to say that as we had enjoyed our childhood they are not enjoying.

The present generation is afraid of playing in the streets and another thing is they are taking it as a cheap way to play. They instead play with in their house with the gadgets like video games.

Youngsters too are now not seen playing any games which helps them physically and mentally. Instead they have turned themselves to the gadgets. They are now busy with their “cell phones”.. In social media, like, Wats app, Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc.,,,,,

Here I would clear my self that m not against these things but is against the way they are using. Social media is a good thing which connects you to the world, to the peoples of the world, to the peoples of the world, to the peoples of the world, you come in contact with different peoples, different minds, different intellectuals of the world. It’s a positive aspect of this social media which should be adopted by the youngsters. But it’s a pity to say that they are not doing so, they just chat for nothing, surf for nothing. They just have groups which is chating useless things which gives adverse effects to the minds of the youngsters.

To end this topic here I would just say that we were very much happy in our childhood and young age in compare to the present generation, who are just saying and showing that they are very happy then we are.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Friends Forever

Can you imagine of a day without having any of your friends with you. It is very difficult. Every day interact with out friends. You might have heard the dictum : “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” We look towards our friends for comfort in times of distress in our life. A true friend stands by us in all times, in good times and bad times alike. One who leaves in time of peril is not a true friend.
A friendship is a cooperative and supportive relationship between two or more people. What does it take to a good friend ? There are different types of friendship that we will encounter in our lives. There are three known types of friendship : friendship for pleasure, friendship of utility, and friendship of virtue. Friendship can exist between : man – man, woman – woman, or man – woman. Some people even establish friendship with their pet animals. Friendship transcends age is possible between even old and young. Love is the binding force in true friendship.
A friend is a person who is able to love irrespective of whether he is being loved or not. Friends share mutual interests. They want what is best for the other. They show sympathy and honesty. They support and listen to each other. When we share a friendship with someone we are sharing ourselves.
It is said that true friends are like mirrors. Whenever we look at them we see ourselves. A true friend will be able to point out our abilities as well as our weaknesses to us just as in a mirror. Friendship is undboubtedly central to our lives. Our friends can help shape, who we are, as persons.
We can find three characteristics of friendship. They are : mutual caring (or love), intimacy, and shared activity. A necessary condition for friendship is that the friend cares about the other. Mutual caring implies sympathy and being moved by what happens to our friends to feel the appropriate emotions : joy in the friends’ success and disappointment in friends’ failure etc.
The intimacy in friendship is to be understood in terms of mutual self – disclosure. Such mutual self – disclosure creates the “bond of trust” essential to friendship. Shared activity is important because friends normally have shared interests as part of the intimacy and they engage in joint pursuits.

Friendship has individual and social values. Friendship is “life enhancing” it makes us “feel more alive”. It improves our activities by helping us to get fully involved in them. It helps promote self – esteem too. Friendship, and the resultant shared activities, it essentially involves, are needed to reinforce our intellectual and practical life.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Downtrodans of the society

Today, I want to share my thoughts with You all.
We see many things on TV in a day but we do not have the tendency to capture, what we should capture easily, good things telecast on the TV. Many channels telecast many such programmes which teaches us many such things which are almost forgotten in the present world. One such thing is humanity, love, respect. Humanity, love, respect towards that part of the society which is so called backward, poor, illiterate, by my dear friends after all they are also a part of our society which is almost forgotten by us. For Example, a person who is guarding and looking after our house, flat. We call them “Gurkhas” or “Chaukidars”. They also have a family, they also have childrens who are same as ours.
Friends, we sent our childrens to good schools, get them all the best facilities possible. We give them everything to make their life easy, to make them study and to make their future bright and happy. As we think all these for our child the “Gurkhas” or the “Chaukidar” too think of their child but the pity is they are not able to give all these things to their child as they are not capable of giving all these things.
Friends, these is not only with the “Gurkhas” or “Chaukidars” but all such persons who are not capable of giving any such things to their child do think and they feel sad when they are unable to give all these facilities, they feel sad when their child asks for these things, when they see other child who is of the same age and going to school with neat and clean uniform.
Isn’t it their fundamental right, which is given by the country’s constitution, to get education, to live a respectable life in the society, friends, it is their fundamental right to get better living standard and to get education but due to their incapability of fulfilling all these things they are devoid of these basic fundamental rights. In their day to day struggle of living they are not able to fulfill all those things which should be and must be fulfilled.
OK accepted that they are unable to fulfill those things and are unable to give all those things to their children which we give to ours.
Friends, My Question is “Is it not the duty of the society to think over this matter ?” “Can’t we do any thing for all those childrens who are devoid of all such facilities ?”
Here comes the main topic which I want to say is of Humanity, Love, Respect towards these peoples, towards these down trodans, towards those childrens who also has the right to be a respectful person of the society.
What is their fault ?, “Is it a fault that they are born in such a family who is uable to fulfill or to give their fundamental rights ?” or “Is it a fault that they are born in such a society who is selfish and self poised ?”
And after that when these childrens grow up and become an anti – social person we will hate all such persons and will think that they are illiterate so thay tend towards anti – social activities. But friends, “Is it not our fault to think so ?” Because if we had just adopted any one child and if we had given him or her at least the education which is his or her fundamental right perhaps we would stop him or her to take any such anti social path.

So, today, friends, let us think of it seriously and try to atleast give education to atleast one such child.

Friday 21 February 2014

Love : The Real and Literal Meaning

Love, Pyaar, Ishq, Muhoobat, this word has a very wide and deep meaning, it is a spiritual word. Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal feelings, affections to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection – “The unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or animals.
A living creature is able to love anything personal or impersonal existing on this earth. Human beings specially can express their love in acts or by speech. Love can be of different types, materialistc love, spiritual love, love towards a living thing, etc., etc., etc., ……..
A person can be said to love an object, principle, or a goal to which they are deeply committed and greatly valued. It may sometimes be born not of inter personal love but impersonal love, altruism, or strong spiritual or political convictions. People can also love material objects, animals or activities of they invest themselves in bonding or otherwise identifying with those things.
Love between human beings refer to interpersonal love. It is more potent sentiment than a simple liking for another. Unrequited love refers to those feelings of love that are not reciprocated. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with interpersonal relationship. Such love might exist between family members, friends and couples. There are also a number of psychological disorders related to love.
Throughout history, philosophy and religion have done the most speculation on the phenomenon of love. In the last century, the science of psychology has written a great deal on the subject. In recent years, the science of psychology, anthropology, neuroscience and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love.
Indian mythology too have given some information about love, here some information refers to the understanding of the present generation, as said in the beginning love has a very deep meaning. We have heard the story of Lord Krishna and Radha which is an immortal love. In this case we can say that tow souls are in love. But commonly it is not understood as the meaning of love in the present time is physical love which includes two bodies, frankly speaking in present time the true meaning of love has vanished and a new meaning has came into existence.
It is fact that, “It is easy to fall in love, but it is hard to be in love.” Here our talk is limited to the interpersonal love of a teenage girl and a boy. We are not discussing any other type of love.
In the present age the word love is meant only with external attachment and not with the internal matter. Today anybody who says that “I love you” has just an intimacy with reference to the external matter. There is no internal attachment associated with the sentence.

It is a pity to say that in the present times the word “Love” is being used for only external intimacy and not for the internal attachment while “love” is meant really for the internal attachment and not for the external intimacy

Monday 10 February 2014

Life of a Joker

Joker, “A person who plays Jokes.” A person who makes laugh by making ususual things, a person who does mimicry, on of the two extra card in the pack of playing card.
Has anyone ever thought what is the life of a joker, what is there behind that smile, behind that attitude, has anyone thought why the joker always laughs in public and makes others laugh too. No, nobody has ever thought. We all laugh at his deeds and claps on it, but never thought of his life.
The joker is also a human being he is also a feeling full person. He also has his own feelings and imotions but he only laughs and makes other laugh too. Why does he does so ? why ? Is he hiding something ? Some sorrow or graviance or so ?
There are many people in this world who cant express their sorrow or graviance but can feel them they could not fight for their own sorrow with others who have hurted them or have played a cheap game of life with them. But the fact is they are hurted very much hurted from inside, they could not speak, could not express, but they feel it from the heart and on repeating all this sorrow and gravience, one day they start acting abstractly, they hide their sorrows int heir smile, in their silence. One more fact of life is that inspite of being severly hurted a person is expected to live happily with a smiling face in the society. But the society forgets one thing that the person is a human being and not a robot. They also have feelings. They also have all the rights to express everything.
We all see Jokers playing tricks in the circus but there are many such persons who just simply act like a joker in their normal life and hide all their sorrows beneath their smile. They make very one happy but from inside they are too sad and hurted but never ever let anybody know their sorrow or the reason, the true reason of their sorrow, they just smile and smile and smile. Ins hort they truly live for others. In this diplomatic world also they live for others, the world which is full of practical and diplomatic human beings. The world where there is no place for imotions or feelings of heart. All the imotions and feelings are from mind.
In this world the joker is living a true life in a sence that he or she makes others happy and make them smiling.

Lastly, I would just say that, “A Joker is not born by birth, the Joker is born by a society as a whole.”

Sunday 26 January 2014

Life - Complain Complain Complain

Life, a wonderful thing to enjoy. In that the human life is the best ever boon given by God to any soul. Human life is a life where a soul can really enjoy the sereine beauty of the world no other life in this world is as beautiful as the life of a human. A human being can enjoy every aspect of life and the most important is that he / she can express what he / she feels in words.
But the main problem in the present day human life is they are not satisfied with their life and just are complaining about their life. Why ?  Why can’t they just enjoy what God has gifted them.
Many a times or often when we meet somebody we come across some common factors that connects all of us and that is our tendency to complain, non – stop ! If we are asked to say some words about our life, it will be lumps, bumps, what is missing, who and how got hurt and the unfairness of life.
This is the common attitude of 90 to 95% humans on this world. Remarkably only 5 to 10% people are greatful or feel they are lucky or ecstatic about what is happening in their lives.
Our body language is also important. If we are not asked then also our body expressions specially the face expression says all about how we feel for our life. When we are not pleased with our life our face expresses and reflects the message that the whole world is bad. Please stop complaining and live with commitment.

The motto of our life should be “Enjoy what ever life gives.”

Thursday 9 January 2014

Spiritual Illusion

Once a person in his house everyday performed pooja and worshipped God. Everyday he used to get up early in the morning and did pooja and whorshipped God. This was his daily routine for years. A time came when he started giving advises on religion and rituals in his house and his neighbourhood and started bossing over his ways of worshipping and performing status. He started believing that his worship and rituals are the best.
In persent world this is a common example we come across everyday. People are in a illusion of religion and its rituals.
We come across many such peoples who will advise us how to perform our religion and rituals. As they are the mentor. They don’t even release that what they think might not be true to the person whom they are giving the advise.
For Eg. : A person is having a difficult social life then he would be advised to have fast on a certain day or days of a week. He would be advised to chant Mantra’s of some God or Goddess continuously.
But is it in a guarantee that by doing this he would overcome his social difficulties ? No, there is no guarantee. Infact it is possible that the person would feel irritating by doing all these things.
I would clearify myself here that I am not against any religion or any rituals. I am against the mindset of so called bossing people, who are bossing for their ways and understanding of religion.
Another Question here arises is that, “Do they really understand what their religion tries to make them understand ?” Or they just interpret as per their ideology or as per their convenience ?”

Such people who interpret religion and rituals as per their ideology or convenience lives in a state of “Spiritual Illusion” and tries to make everyone to follow him or her. Or tries to make everyone follow his or her ways of performing the religion, which might not be all that true or right as he or she thinks.

Real Joy of Life

Life a gift of nature. The meaning of life is a philosophical question concerning the significance of life or existence in general. It can also be expressed in different forms, such as ,”Why are we here ?”, “What is life all about ?” and “What is the purpose of existence ?” It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific, and theological speculation throughout history. There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds.
Here we are not in a mood of discussing what is life.  We are going to discuss how the life should be led. Life, gift of nature, can be led as per own’s wish but the question is, “Are we satisfied ?” or “Are we enjoying life ?”
Mostly we search for happiness of life in the materials which we possess. We, when all these present facilities were not there, do lived a life, a life which was simple, life full of satisfaction, a life full of happiness. Our ancestors lived such life.
There were no gadgets, which are presently available, then also they lived a happy and satisfied life. Still they didn’t complain for their life. They had their ways of amusement and refreshments. They enjoyed in their own way. Why, why they were satisfied ? Why they were happy ?
The answer is very simple they didn’t compare themselves with others. They just believed in themselves. So they were satisfied and could live happily. The search for happiness not in the materials they possess but in their innerself.
Now, coming to the present world life. Simply, A life of Commuter, A race, A race to success, A race to leave all behind and be a winner, To possess the luxurious materials and to boss over their possession, to show off all others that they are very much happy and satisfied.
Now a days people are not concerned with the inner happiness of themselves. They just want to show off to the world about their materialistic wealth. How much more they possess these wealth then the others. And by showing this they feel happy and satisfied.
But the question is, “Are they really happy ?”, “Are they really satisfied ?”
They feel enjoyment of life in going shopping or to any luxurious hotel and stay there for couple of days. “Is this the enjoyment of life ?” “Is the soul satisfied ?” or just fooling ourselves that we are enjoying our life.

The real enjoyment of life is to satisfy our soul and not to show off how much we possess the materialistic wealth and to boss over it. Make the soul enjoy the life and you will enjoy the life for ever till the end.

“Zindagi Ka Safar,
Hai Ye Kaisa Safar,
Koi Samja Nahi,
Koi Jana Nahi.”

“Kisiki Muskurahato Pe Ho Nisar,
Kisiki Ka Dard Mill Sake to le Udhar,
Kisiki Ke Vaste Ho Tere Dil Mai Pyar,

Jeena Isika Naam Hai.”