Friday 13 June 2014

Who am i ?

One day a philoshoper was walking down the street. He was lost in thought. Quite accidently he bumped into a man, who was walking along the same road. The philosopher did not stop, as he was still in deep thought. The man shouted, "Well, who do you think you are ?" The absent minded philosopher was heard to mubble, "who am I ? How i wish I knew ?"
This is a very interesting story. The philosopher did not know who he really was ! We all are very well trained to give the correct answer to the question "Who are you ?" But do our answer really reflect, the person, we are ? Quite often they do not. Because we are not our names. When I say that I am so and so, that does not fully explain who I really am. I may continue to explain : I am the son or daughter of Mr. so and so, this is my adress, I work here etc. But such phrases also do not explain our personality. In most of the cases we explain our physical features and other visible qualities. By our actions and behaviour, people may be able to understand a bit about our inner self. But again we are not what others think about us. Our parents, teachers, friends etc., may have some idea about us. And in most cases they may be true. But when it comes to an answer to the question "Who am I ?" all these ideas, knowledge, emotions and feelings need not give a perfect answer. Some people may describe themselves as happy, sad or worried. These emotions show the way they react to different situations in life.
Once a philoshopher said,"I am three persons : the persob I think I am, the person you think I am and the person I really am."
We are not always the persobs we think we are. Some of us will have very positive ideas about ourselves. Like a student who always says after his exams, thatvit was very easy and he would get distinction. But when the results are declared, it is quite contrary. In some other cases students are over worried about their result. They feel that they did not do well and they would fail. There are cases students taking the extreme step of even committing suicide. But when the result are out, they pass with good percentage. These and similar other examples show that our ideas and evaluation about everselves are not always correct. That means we are not always what we think we are.
As we form some ideas about ourselves, the people who live with us, or who are in touch with us also develop some ideas about us. It is always good to know others' opinion about ourselves. That will help ua to know ourselves more and more. A sincere friend can help us in many ways to find who we really are. And that will in turn help us to grow. But others' opinion also need not be true always. They can judge us only externally ; and cannot get a glimpse of our inner self. For that we have to turn to our own inner self. A critically evaluated and balanced understanding of our inner self is very essential for success in life. One has to know his or her own positive and negative qualities, weakness and strength, likes and dislikes and of course the talents and tastes. Confidence emerges from self knowledge. Quite often people pretend that they are great or respected people. Through pretension we may not acquire confidence or respect of other people. In every walk of life, self knowledge is the basis of success.
Understanding oneself is not an easy task. If we are aware, the strangeness of our behaviour will surprise us. Who do I like certain people, certain things, colours ? Why I respond to a sad news or to a happy one in a particular way ? What is my greatest weakness ? What are my positive qualities ? It could take montha and years to find answer to these questions.
Lack of self knowledge and awareness may cost us our very future. Especially if we fail to recognize our talents and potentials, we may not be able to live life in its fullness.
Many people continue to live in miserable condition because they do not know their true nature and hence they do not realize their potentials. Sadly they live on wishes and dreams. Had they recognized themselves and identified their weaknesses and strengths, they would have been different people today.

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