Thursday 19 June 2014

Living with criticism

Once, there was a politician who did the best job he could. But being human, he made mistakes and was criticized. Reporters repeated his errors in the newspapers. He became so upset that he drove out into the country to visit his dear friend, a farmer. "What am I goind to do?" the politician cried, "I have tried so hard. Nobody has tried as hard as I to do maximum good for the people. But still, look, how they criticize me !"
But the old farmer could hardly hear te complaint of this persecuted politician friend, because his hound dog was barking at the full moon. The farmer rebuked the dog, but the dog kept barking. Finally, the farmer said to te friend; "Do you want to know how you should hadle your unfair critics ? Here's how. Look at this dog; now, look up at the moon. Remember that people will keep yelling at you, they will nip at your heels and they will criticize you. But here's the lesson :
Criticisms are bound to happen. But that does not mean that we should get disheartened and stop the good work we are doing. Often those who criticize each and everyone do not know the reality in full. If we are criticized for doing good, we should be happy about it. Ultimately the criticizers will meet defeat.
Remember that only those who try to do something will face criticism. Criticizers have no subject to point out about those who do not do anything. Therefore, it is better to be criticized after having done something than wasting time doing nothing. If our hands become as active as our tongue, what wonders could be accomplished in this world !
There is another way of looking at criticism. That is criticism which is constructive or helps others to grow and enable them to contribute better. This type of criticism comes from an attitude of concern and unselfishness. If understood and taken in the right perspective, it will produce better results.
Before criticizing anyone or their activity, one should evaluate properly and study seriously the subject matter he is going to deal with. Otherwise, his viewpoint will not hold water. Criticism in literature is of this sort.
Those who are criticized also should take sometime to check whether there is some truth in what others say or point out. If found correct, they should have the readiness and courage to accept the fact. If there is not truth in it, they should ignore it just as the barking of the dog at the full moon.
People are quick to praise and quick to blame. Therefore pay no heed to what others speak of you.
Criticism can be of two types constructive and destructive. Constructive criticism is positive and is a must for our growth. Such criticism comes from our benefactors and friends. They, by criticizing us, try to bring out the best in us. Their sole aim is our growth and development. But we must beware of the people who keep on praising us for whatever we do. Quite often they are not sincere and their words may not contribute to our growth. Their only aim is to get your attention and appreciation.
Destructive ceiticism aims at destroying you. It may be out of jealousy or even hatred. The people who are worried about your growth may ceiticize you with a view to block your growth. Some people are extremely skeptical and they doubt anything you do. Hence they criticize. They cannot see anything positive in our work and go on discouraging us. Such criticism is also destructive.
If we criticize somebody, please make sure that we are genuinely interested in their growth. Our criticism should not destroy or discourage people. Destructive criticism is nothing short of murder as it blocks a person's growth.
When somebody criticizes you, your response shoule be positive and constructive. You have to listen to them carefully and accept whatever is relevant and useful and try to make changes in your action and attitude accordingly. Don't be worried about who makes the criticism, but be consious of what is being criticized. Criticism is a part of our life and hence do not be discouraged or hurt. Such things are necessary for growth.

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