Monday 10 February 2014

Life of a Joker

Joker, “A person who plays Jokes.” A person who makes laugh by making ususual things, a person who does mimicry, on of the two extra card in the pack of playing card.
Has anyone ever thought what is the life of a joker, what is there behind that smile, behind that attitude, has anyone thought why the joker always laughs in public and makes others laugh too. No, nobody has ever thought. We all laugh at his deeds and claps on it, but never thought of his life.
The joker is also a human being he is also a feeling full person. He also has his own feelings and imotions but he only laughs and makes other laugh too. Why does he does so ? why ? Is he hiding something ? Some sorrow or graviance or so ?
There are many people in this world who cant express their sorrow or graviance but can feel them they could not fight for their own sorrow with others who have hurted them or have played a cheap game of life with them. But the fact is they are hurted very much hurted from inside, they could not speak, could not express, but they feel it from the heart and on repeating all this sorrow and gravience, one day they start acting abstractly, they hide their sorrows int heir smile, in their silence. One more fact of life is that inspite of being severly hurted a person is expected to live happily with a smiling face in the society. But the society forgets one thing that the person is a human being and not a robot. They also have feelings. They also have all the rights to express everything.
We all see Jokers playing tricks in the circus but there are many such persons who just simply act like a joker in their normal life and hide all their sorrows beneath their smile. They make very one happy but from inside they are too sad and hurted but never ever let anybody know their sorrow or the reason, the true reason of their sorrow, they just smile and smile and smile. Ins hort they truly live for others. In this diplomatic world also they live for others, the world which is full of practical and diplomatic human beings. The world where there is no place for imotions or feelings of heart. All the imotions and feelings are from mind.
In this world the joker is living a true life in a sence that he or she makes others happy and make them smiling.

Lastly, I would just say that, “A Joker is not born by birth, the Joker is born by a society as a whole.”

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