Monday 21 April 2014

Living life with two faces

Once in a town there lived a person named Maniram, he lived with his family of a wife and two sons, Maniram was a learned person he had a nice and flourishing business in the town and had a good reputation. But Maniram had a draw back. He used to pretend of being the most learned person in the town which was not, as he pretended. Another thing which was peculiar in him was he used many faces in his life. For eg. : When he meet a person whom he hated the most, then also he smiled and greeted him as though he is the best friend of that person. Or a person with whom he is not interested to talk would talk with him very gracefully. All this things he did only to show off it was not from the heart.
In this world we meet such Manirams daily. They are the people who live their lives with two faces. One is the original face with which he or she is born with and the other is the face created by himself or herself. This is known as living a life with two faces.
There are no imotions or feelings or sympathy in such faces. They are simply a practicle face with many other faces on it. For eg. : Smiling face, an angry face, a loving face, etc., etc., all the expressions are fake just fake.
This type of people can’t have any such emotions at all. It seems that this type of heartly emotions are being extinct from the world. Now a days people don’t have any sympathy or love or feelings towards each other they just show off all this things. In short we can call them a perfect actor.
They show all this things for their personal benefits. There is no connection from the heart when they see that there is no benefit from a person they throw them away as we throw a pen whose ink is over. That is “use and throw” motive.
In olden age people use to meet each other heartly they welcome each other warmly but in present world it is not so. We are welcomed if we are going to give any benefit to them. We are warmly treated if there is any benefit to them. Relations are kept for benefit and not for any personal feelings or warmness or any other thing.

Lastly I would say that in olden age there were humans living on the earth who had hearts in them, in present age there are humans but they don’t have heart in them.

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