Wednesday 18 December 2013

Relationship - A Boon, A Curse

A person develops relationship as soon as he takes birth on this earth. The first ever relation which a person develops is with the mother. The second is with the father. After this there are many relatiions which are developed maintained and lost in the entire life of a person.
Now, the question arises is what really is the meaning of Relationship ? The simple meaning is "The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected." There are many other meanings also. But we in the present world are literally not understanding the real and simple meaning of Relationship. We have made a joke of this Beautiful concept of life.
In the past this Beautiful Concept of life, "Relationship", was well maintained and enjoyed. Whether there was any type of relation it was maintained heartly and enjoyed with purtiy. People meet each other with their heart and not with their brain. Whether it was a relation of child with his family, or a relation of husband and a wife, or a relation of friends. In each of these relation there was warmness felt between them.
But in present age the people develop any relation with a pre condition of making profit, a prejudice, for satisfying their ego, or for the sake of just maintaining the relations, in case there would be any profit in it. In short in present age people develop relation with their mind. Not with their heart.
A son would keep his parents with him if he is sure to get the benefits of his father's property. A husband would keep with his wife so as to fulfill all his demands. A wife in turn would keep his husband happy to fulfill her own demands and after his death to get hold of all his properties. A girl would keep relation with a girl or a boy to show her superiority and thus to satisfy her ego. In turn a boy would keep relation with a girl just to make use and then throw and then the next one. Thus to built his image, to be more precise, to built his fake image in front of the society and his fellow groups.
In short, there are no relation in this world in present time which are true. People wear different faces for different relations of their own so as to drag their fake realtions in their life and to show to the society that how happy they are.
Lastly, I would ask you all a simple question, "Is Relationship a boon or a curse for you."
Please if you answer to me or to yourself answer frankly

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