Friday 27 December 2013

Mindset of Students - Past and Present.

Mindset of Students – Past and Present
Lord Krishna and his beloved friend Sudama both stayed at their Guru Sandipani’s place and learned everything, all the teachings taught by their Guru. They also worked there for their Guru and did all the work which their Guru told for. Even a small work like sweeping were also done by them very happily.
Once Eklavya was practicing his archery in the woods in front of the idol of his Guru Dronacharya, mean time Guru Dronacharya and his beloved Disciple Arjun and other Disciples passed, they all saw that Eklavya was practicing archery in front of their Guru’s idol. Dronacharya gave a difficult test to Eklavya which Eklavya fulfilled easily. On seeing this that Eklavya would pass on Arjun, Dronacharya asked for the right thumb of Eklavya as “Guru Dakshina”. Without any hesitation Eklavya cut his right thumb and present to Dronachary as his “Guru Dakshina”.
Friends, you would be thinking that I perhaps would be in a mood of discussing mythological incidents. No my dear friends you are mistaken am not in any such mood but this are only some examples of the students who were also studying infact had studied lot more than the present age students.
In the past the students worshipped their Guru, whatever may be the attitude of the guru or whatever the guru did, right or wrong (according to the students mind), they always worshipped their guru, they respect them. The only reason was they had a thing in mind that he or she is our Guru / teacher who teaches them. As they had came to learn they had to obey the Guru’s order.
No doubt there was bias and prejudice at that time also but the students didn’t mind it, inspite of being highly intelligent the students never dare to be on top of his Guru, their place was in the foot of his Guru. They never ciriticised or abused their guru. They had complete trust on their Guru. They never doubted their guru.
There are many such examples which can be given for the mindset of the students in the past.
In the past the students learned eagerly from their teachers and so they are still remembered as they became renowned in this world they become famous in this world as they choose the path which their Guru showed.
Now, coming in present, first of all I would like to clarify that am talking about present menas of last 5 years. The students in this present age have totally the opposite e mind set than the students of the past. Present students have ego, an attitude, and superiority. More than 95% students have these qualities.
The reason for this are many, firstly they do not have respect for their teachers even they call their teachers in single name. In India, which was not there, the students used to touch the feets of the teacher and then start their learnings every day. Secondly the mass media, specially the internet, I clearify myself that I am not against the internet but I am against the mindset which has been developing in the present day students, internet just gives information it does not teach how to use that information or how to implement it.
But the present day students just think that by reading the information they have learnt every thing and also develop that ego and attitude that they are superior. Even superior than their teachers. They start abusing and criticizing the theories and methods of the teacher who is teaching heartly and wants the students to be a famous personality of the society.
But to the pity of the teacher it is not possible. Inspite of all the efforts from the teacher they get a fine reward from the students is criticizing and abusement without knowing the truth. From 100 students perhaps 2 or 3 students understands this factors and reach the pinnacle. The rest do not.
Thirdly they are developing an ego of the facilities provided to them or an unexpected win over a small thing. They start thinking that it is all because of their own individual effort and all others including their teachers are worthless. They are cheap. But they forget the most important thing that where they are at present is due to their teachers who have made them capable for what they are just now.
There are many such reasons which can be discussed for the present mindset of the students. I just say to conclude that these are not students they are just an egoistic personalities who are in an illusion that they are superior than their teachers. They are just a fuseless bulb

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