Friday 27 December 2013

Mindset of Students - Past and Present.

Mindset of Students – Past and Present
Lord Krishna and his beloved friend Sudama both stayed at their Guru Sandipani’s place and learned everything, all the teachings taught by their Guru. They also worked there for their Guru and did all the work which their Guru told for. Even a small work like sweeping were also done by them very happily.
Once Eklavya was practicing his archery in the woods in front of the idol of his Guru Dronacharya, mean time Guru Dronacharya and his beloved Disciple Arjun and other Disciples passed, they all saw that Eklavya was practicing archery in front of their Guru’s idol. Dronacharya gave a difficult test to Eklavya which Eklavya fulfilled easily. On seeing this that Eklavya would pass on Arjun, Dronacharya asked for the right thumb of Eklavya as “Guru Dakshina”. Without any hesitation Eklavya cut his right thumb and present to Dronachary as his “Guru Dakshina”.
Friends, you would be thinking that I perhaps would be in a mood of discussing mythological incidents. No my dear friends you are mistaken am not in any such mood but this are only some examples of the students who were also studying infact had studied lot more than the present age students.
In the past the students worshipped their Guru, whatever may be the attitude of the guru or whatever the guru did, right or wrong (according to the students mind), they always worshipped their guru, they respect them. The only reason was they had a thing in mind that he or she is our Guru / teacher who teaches them. As they had came to learn they had to obey the Guru’s order.
No doubt there was bias and prejudice at that time also but the students didn’t mind it, inspite of being highly intelligent the students never dare to be on top of his Guru, their place was in the foot of his Guru. They never ciriticised or abused their guru. They had complete trust on their Guru. They never doubted their guru.
There are many such examples which can be given for the mindset of the students in the past.
In the past the students learned eagerly from their teachers and so they are still remembered as they became renowned in this world they become famous in this world as they choose the path which their Guru showed.
Now, coming in present, first of all I would like to clarify that am talking about present menas of last 5 years. The students in this present age have totally the opposite e mind set than the students of the past. Present students have ego, an attitude, and superiority. More than 95% students have these qualities.
The reason for this are many, firstly they do not have respect for their teachers even they call their teachers in single name. In India, which was not there, the students used to touch the feets of the teacher and then start their learnings every day. Secondly the mass media, specially the internet, I clearify myself that I am not against the internet but I am against the mindset which has been developing in the present day students, internet just gives information it does not teach how to use that information or how to implement it.
But the present day students just think that by reading the information they have learnt every thing and also develop that ego and attitude that they are superior. Even superior than their teachers. They start abusing and criticizing the theories and methods of the teacher who is teaching heartly and wants the students to be a famous personality of the society.
But to the pity of the teacher it is not possible. Inspite of all the efforts from the teacher they get a fine reward from the students is criticizing and abusement without knowing the truth. From 100 students perhaps 2 or 3 students understands this factors and reach the pinnacle. The rest do not.
Thirdly they are developing an ego of the facilities provided to them or an unexpected win over a small thing. They start thinking that it is all because of their own individual effort and all others including their teachers are worthless. They are cheap. But they forget the most important thing that where they are at present is due to their teachers who have made them capable for what they are just now.
There are many such reasons which can be discussed for the present mindset of the students. I just say to conclude that these are not students they are just an egoistic personalities who are in an illusion that they are superior than their teachers. They are just a fuseless bulb

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Relationship - A Boon, A Curse

A person develops relationship as soon as he takes birth on this earth. The first ever relation which a person develops is with the mother. The second is with the father. After this there are many relatiions which are developed maintained and lost in the entire life of a person.
Now, the question arises is what really is the meaning of Relationship ? The simple meaning is "The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected." There are many other meanings also. But we in the present world are literally not understanding the real and simple meaning of Relationship. We have made a joke of this Beautiful concept of life.
In the past this Beautiful Concept of life, "Relationship", was well maintained and enjoyed. Whether there was any type of relation it was maintained heartly and enjoyed with purtiy. People meet each other with their heart and not with their brain. Whether it was a relation of child with his family, or a relation of husband and a wife, or a relation of friends. In each of these relation there was warmness felt between them.
But in present age the people develop any relation with a pre condition of making profit, a prejudice, for satisfying their ego, or for the sake of just maintaining the relations, in case there would be any profit in it. In short in present age people develop relation with their mind. Not with their heart.
A son would keep his parents with him if he is sure to get the benefits of his father's property. A husband would keep with his wife so as to fulfill all his demands. A wife in turn would keep his husband happy to fulfill her own demands and after his death to get hold of all his properties. A girl would keep relation with a girl or a boy to show her superiority and thus to satisfy her ego. In turn a boy would keep relation with a girl just to make use and then throw and then the next one. Thus to built his image, to be more precise, to built his fake image in front of the society and his fellow groups.
In short, there are no relation in this world in present time which are true. People wear different faces for different relations of their own so as to drag their fake realtions in their life and to show to the society that how happy they are.
Lastly, I would ask you all a simple question, "Is Relationship a boon or a curse for you."
Please if you answer to me or to yourself answer frankly

Thursday 12 December 2013

The Things Holding us Back

The Things Holding us Back
What are some common habits and attitudes that holds us back ? Most Seeker’s don’t have to fight alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, lack of education, and those kinds of things. Most people’s battles are more inward.
We tend to forget many things in hurly burly of life --- but it isn’t enough to say we shouldn’t be forgetful, because the very nature of mind is the flit and forget. We need to build in constant little little remainder which are forgotten in the hurly burly life. But the main antidote to forgetfulness is “Introspection” which we can practice twice a day. In the morning, set up all you resolutions for the day and in the evening, just review it. By “every watchful and sincere introspection” we can banish all contrary inclination that makes us forgetful.
Let’s not talk about past hurts or bad experiences, or about any of the things people have done that bothers us.
Any form of negative expressions opens the mind of negative thinking. We should use the gift of memories to recall uplifting and positive experiences. Here gift of memories does not mean nay bad experiences, as in life we would have pass through both the bad and the good experiences. The things which had hurt us the most and the things which had made us the most happy.
Negativity can also take the form of watching movies or reading books which pulls us more down in negativity. The negative contents of modern media, such as the TV serials in most channels, political commentary, and the so called “babas pravachans” can easily drag the mind into negative thought patterns.
Most people mostly ladies are habitually pulled into a spiritual slump and gents are habitually pulled into narcotic drugs or more dangerous than narcotic drugs “Depression”. This habitual pulling is due to negativity. But in this habitual pulling they tend to avoid the very things that would help them draw in the upward direction. If you’re on a downward slide, make it a point to go to uplifting events and places.
Everything in the world has magnetism – people, places, thoughts. Put yourself in the presence of upward pulling magnetism.
We can be going along perfectly fine with our negative life or we would be dragging our life thoughtlessly and then all of a sudden we get the thgouth : “I need to go to the mall,” or “I need to relax and see a movie…..” or “I would like to go out with my friends.” Obviously it’s not a bad thing to get out and change our environment once in a while but if we have a habit of becoming restless, then we need to work against that habit.
The complexity of the world is infinite, especially in this age of the internet. There are so many things we can get involved in --- such as the social media and many such things are there in this present age of internet from which a person gets motivated positively and can boost up his life but the main problem here lies is the choosing of the perfect thing to get motivated positively. Most of the people specially the teenagers surf internet frequently or I should say daily 5 to 10 hours but it’s a pity to say that they don’t surf what they ought to surf. They go on a path which leads them to negativity, to abusement and becomes criminal minded.
Another big thing presently occurring is Comparison.  Comparing ourselves with others takes us out of our higher self that is we forgo our own potentials and ability and are dragged into a sense of separation. Comparison involves ego competition with thoughts such as : “He is more intellectual or beautiful or famous, She is not So.” “I am more then they are”, and so on. By this we can easily slip into the feelings of superiority and negativity, or else we can become discouraged about our own potentials and ability.
A way out of this superiority complex is to strive to overcome our own ego. We should look for the ways to take a back seat. This would help us disconnect from the sense, “I am Important”. For feelings of discouragement, the solution is to flush off all such thoughts and trust ourselves because a person who trust himself or herself can only trust others around him or her and can only see the good things and the bad things clearly.

Lastly, I have listed a few things that holds us back, but there could be many others. Infact there are many others. A simple formula to find a solution for all this is. Any time you feel pulled in a negative direction, ask yourself : “What is the opposite of this direction ?” Then put your energy into that positive direction.

No matter what life gives, enjoy it.

No Matter What Life Gives, Enjoy It
In the present world a common question which we hear frequently are of a commuter getting upset or hurt and then could not come out of the situation, we commonly hear from them are, “Life has become hard for me, I get hurt and upset and feel guilty that I am upset. I read books on self – help, but it is not really helping me.”
This has become a common thing in a present life. People gets hurt in a thing which can be neglected easily and then gets upset for their getting hurt. They then do not get out of the position as they do not see their own ability to come out of the position in which they have put themselves and are now getting hurt. They even don’t feel that the position in which they are in at present is merely a simple thing from which they can come out easily.
Now coming to the point of getting upset and then getting hurt. Getting upset is one thing but holding on the upset is yet another thing. To handle upset is one thing and energy to get stuck to that upset is yet another thing. But my question is Why ? Why do you hold on to the upsets and hurts ?
Most of the people gets upset with very small things and it depends on their own nature, if your nature is a negative nature than you will get upset very quickly or you will get hurt very quickly. You are upset, if you allow it to make you upset, without any internal wordings it will fade away in one or two minutes. But worrying about that upset is the disorder in which the mind is caught up.
One reality is also there in our society that in the matter of getting hurted and getting upset women are ahead of men. The main reason as discussed earlier is the tendency of holding it rather than handle it. Women have more tendency to be in this whirlpool then men. As they are mostly suffering from many things mentally such as, inferiority, superiority, ego, hatred etc, etc., ……… One most important thing is they don’t have the tendency to accept the things which are not from their thoughts. They can just accept the things which they think to be perfect and then when this does not happen they tend to get upset and gets hurt very quickly.
Now yet another question arises is that “Why do you not let go of the upset ?” There are so many genuine reasons for letting go the upsets of your mind. There are so many genuine emotions that are more meaningful to think over to be upset. Once you make up your mind for reliving the upsets of your life, you will find that it has been only a mechanical habit of your mind and nothing more than that.
The moment you are upset, just gently speak to yourself without any panic and say. “It is “OK”, I am upset. But I will understand it rather than being a victim to it.” When we will approach this gesture it will vanish, with a lesson. In the same way when you are badly hurt opt for the same way as you opt for upset. I bet you will surely develop good emotions.
For Example : If you are hurted by your best friend, wife, husband, collegue, or a family member. Just be calm, speak to yourself, think about the situation, think about the good and beautiful and happy moments spent together with in no time you will surely develop good attitude and emotions towards them. And you will surely find the same good attitude and emotions in them also. Give more reality and more life to that positive emotion and see your life enhancing.

-       Bhavesh Budh


Teenage, an age between 14 to 18 and in some cases uptill 21, is an age of struggle. It is an age where you have to struggle for everything. You have to struggle with your mind, you have to struggle with maturity, and so on. Each and every step of your life is a struggle for you.
Entering teenage, new world has just begun for you, the mind wants to win in all aspects. The heart wants to fly high and touch the sky. But the barriers and hurles stops you and you become furious and frustrated and some times angry and reacts thoughtlessly which results into frustration and anger.
If we peep into the past, no so past, just 10 to 15 years back. The teenage we come to see are all very well matured and happy. Why ? answer is very simple they all had a goal in their mind they all very well understand their responsibility. They had also enjoyed very well their teenage but not at the cost for their future. They enjoyed with responsibility and maturity.
The reason to this is that at that time they did not have many stuffs to get distracted. It does not mean that there were no gadgets which the present world has. There were gadgets but they were used thoughtfully and wisely. There were idot box too but were seen wisely.
Now, coming in present, the position is in all opposite. In present time the gadgets are used thoughtlessly. There is no time for going out and play any games. As most are caught in the gadgets. More precisely they have become slave of the gadgets. As they are using thoughtlessly they are going in a wrong direction as a result the condition is worsened.

Lastly, I would just say that please throw all the stuffs which makes you all frustrated, furious and angry. There are many more things you can enjoy and surely you will be the most respectfull person.