Monday 21 April 2014

Living life with two faces

Once in a town there lived a person named Maniram, he lived with his family of a wife and two sons, Maniram was a learned person he had a nice and flourishing business in the town and had a good reputation. But Maniram had a draw back. He used to pretend of being the most learned person in the town which was not, as he pretended. Another thing which was peculiar in him was he used many faces in his life. For eg. : When he meet a person whom he hated the most, then also he smiled and greeted him as though he is the best friend of that person. Or a person with whom he is not interested to talk would talk with him very gracefully. All this things he did only to show off it was not from the heart.
In this world we meet such Manirams daily. They are the people who live their lives with two faces. One is the original face with which he or she is born with and the other is the face created by himself or herself. This is known as living a life with two faces.
There are no imotions or feelings or sympathy in such faces. They are simply a practicle face with many other faces on it. For eg. : Smiling face, an angry face, a loving face, etc., etc., all the expressions are fake just fake.
This type of people can’t have any such emotions at all. It seems that this type of heartly emotions are being extinct from the world. Now a days people don’t have any sympathy or love or feelings towards each other they just show off all this things. In short we can call them a perfect actor.
They show all this things for their personal benefits. There is no connection from the heart when they see that there is no benefit from a person they throw them away as we throw a pen whose ink is over. That is “use and throw” motive.
In olden age people use to meet each other heartly they welcome each other warmly but in present world it is not so. We are welcomed if we are going to give any benefit to them. We are warmly treated if there is any benefit to them. Relations are kept for benefit and not for any personal feelings or warmness or any other thing.

Lastly I would say that in olden age there were humans living on the earth who had hearts in them, in present age there are humans but they don’t have heart in them.

Saturday 12 April 2014


The secret of success can be learnt from the life histories of successful people. If we identify and adopt the qualities of successful people, we too shall be successful. Similarly, there are characteristics common to people who aren’t successful. If we avoid those characteristics, then we shall not be failures. Success is no mystery. It is simply the result of consistently applying some basic principles. The reverse is just as true : Failure is simply a result of making a few mistakes repeatedly.
What makes a person successful ? To some people, success might mean wealth. To others, it is recognition, good health, a good family, satisfaction and peace of mind.  Success means different things to different people. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.”
Here ‘progressive’ means that success is a journey, not a destination. We never complete our journey, after we reach a goal, we go on to next and the next and so on.
‘Realization’ means it is an experience. Outside forces cannot make us feel successful. We have to feel it within ourselves.
‘Worthiness’ refers to our value system, without which goals can be unworthy. Worthiness determines the quality of the journey. That is what gives meaning and fulfillment. Goals are important because they give us a sense of direction.
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
To be a person of success, we may have to encounter heart – breaking obstacles.
Once a biology teacher was teaching his students how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  He told the students, that in the next couple of hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help the butterfly. Then he left.
The students were waiting and it happened. The butterfly struggled to get out of the cocoon and against the advice of the teacher, one of the students took pity on it and decided to help the butterfly to come out of the cocoon. He broke the cocoon to help it, so that it didn’t have to struggle anymore. But, shortly afterwards, the butterfly died.
When the teacher returned, he was told what had happened. He explained to the student that it is a law of nature, that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps the butterfly to develop and strengthen its wings.

Apply this same principle to our lives. No success in life comes without a struggle. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy. We cannot run away from our problem. Only losers quit and give up.


The child who is dressed with prince’s robes,
And who has jewelled chains round his neck
Loses all pleasures in his play ;
His dress hampers him at every step.

In fear that it may be frayed, or stained with dust
He keeps himself from the world,
And is afraid even to move.

Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery,
If it keeps on shut off,
From the healthful dust of the earth,
If it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair
Of common human life.

This is the poem written by the great poet of India Rabindranath Tagore. He wants to convey the message to us that a child should enjoy the childhood by being close to the human beings and the mother earth.

You all will be thinking that I am in a mood to give the perafrace of the poems but friends you all are mistaken, no I am not in any such mood. I just want to share the same thought as Rabindranath Tagore had.

Friends, we all had our childhood and we all had enjoyed our own childhood very nicely. How happy we were when we all were young. As a child we use to enjoy each and every moment of our life. Even our parents, when they were young, enjoyed their childhood very much. We use to play the games like cricket, football, badminton, etc., wwe love to be with our friends, we use to quarrel with our friends but the next moment we also play together, we also use to play street games too very enthusiastically. We used to play with “Marbles”, “Gulli Danda”, and many such games in the streets. We were not afraid of getting hurt or getting durty by playing in the streets. I a true sence we enjoyed our childhood. As the poet has said we have been close to the mother earth and the human beings.

But the present generation, pitty to say, is not at all enjoying their childhood. They are just being living an isolated life. Isolated in the connection with the mother earth in connection with nature. I mean to say that as we had enjoyed our childhood they are not enjoying.

The present generation is afraid of playing in the streets and another thing is they are taking it as a cheap way to play. They instead play with in their house with the gadgets like video games.

Youngsters too are now not seen playing any games which helps them physically and mentally. Instead they have turned themselves to the gadgets. They are now busy with their “cell phones”.. In social media, like, Wats app, Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc.,,,,,

Here I would clear my self that m not against these things but is against the way they are using. Social media is a good thing which connects you to the world, to the peoples of the world, to the peoples of the world, to the peoples of the world, you come in contact with different peoples, different minds, different intellectuals of the world. It’s a positive aspect of this social media which should be adopted by the youngsters. But it’s a pity to say that they are not doing so, they just chat for nothing, surf for nothing. They just have groups which is chating useless things which gives adverse effects to the minds of the youngsters.

To end this topic here I would just say that we were very much happy in our childhood and young age in compare to the present generation, who are just saying and showing that they are very happy then we are.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Friends Forever

Can you imagine of a day without having any of your friends with you. It is very difficult. Every day interact with out friends. You might have heard the dictum : “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” We look towards our friends for comfort in times of distress in our life. A true friend stands by us in all times, in good times and bad times alike. One who leaves in time of peril is not a true friend.
A friendship is a cooperative and supportive relationship between two or more people. What does it take to a good friend ? There are different types of friendship that we will encounter in our lives. There are three known types of friendship : friendship for pleasure, friendship of utility, and friendship of virtue. Friendship can exist between : man – man, woman – woman, or man – woman. Some people even establish friendship with their pet animals. Friendship transcends age is possible between even old and young. Love is the binding force in true friendship.
A friend is a person who is able to love irrespective of whether he is being loved or not. Friends share mutual interests. They want what is best for the other. They show sympathy and honesty. They support and listen to each other. When we share a friendship with someone we are sharing ourselves.
It is said that true friends are like mirrors. Whenever we look at them we see ourselves. A true friend will be able to point out our abilities as well as our weaknesses to us just as in a mirror. Friendship is undboubtedly central to our lives. Our friends can help shape, who we are, as persons.
We can find three characteristics of friendship. They are : mutual caring (or love), intimacy, and shared activity. A necessary condition for friendship is that the friend cares about the other. Mutual caring implies sympathy and being moved by what happens to our friends to feel the appropriate emotions : joy in the friends’ success and disappointment in friends’ failure etc.
The intimacy in friendship is to be understood in terms of mutual self – disclosure. Such mutual self – disclosure creates the “bond of trust” essential to friendship. Shared activity is important because friends normally have shared interests as part of the intimacy and they engage in joint pursuits.

Friendship has individual and social values. Friendship is “life enhancing” it makes us “feel more alive”. It improves our activities by helping us to get fully involved in them. It helps promote self – esteem too. Friendship, and the resultant shared activities, it essentially involves, are needed to reinforce our intellectual and practical life.