Wednesday 11 February 2015

Mistakes of life

In this world there  cant be any such human being who is completely fault less. Each  and every person  in this world has committed some mistakes in his  life or her life.
Mistakes are natural in life, some becomes stable in their life, some dosn't, but does  it mean that the person who couldn't  be stable after  many mistakes is a person who loves to do mistakes ? Isnt it possible that he or she is trying to be stable but no one is trying to see it. Or they just dont want to see  that he or she is trying to be  stable ?  Or they dont want him or her to be stable ?
We dont know who the person is, how is his or her life style, how is his nature ? We are unaware of all this things bcoz even thw person who is staying together would not predict or know what the other is facing. Or sometimes they dont care to know all these things, or everytime they thinks the same. The reason is simple they think they are perfect and what they do is always perfect and right, they never commit any mistake bcoz they are perfect.
But is this true ? Are they perfectly faultless ? Never have  they committed any mistakes in their life ? Mistake is mistake small or big.
Now the question arises is that "Do such persons have any right to correct any other person who also commits mistakes ?"
Is it not possible that the thing which they are considering as mistakes might not be any mistake at all ?
For eg. : A person has cheated another for 1000 rs. Now we will say that its a mistake of ethics. One should not cheat anybody. But friends do we know thw reason for cheating ? Perhaps the person who has committed this mistake may have tried a loot to gain money ethically but could not gain it. He or she was trying n doing for his or her family. After lots of try n hard work he finally cheated. Cheated for his or her family who had not eaten a single bite of bread since last few days. Now if this is the reason, has that person committed a mistake ?
In this practicle and autocratic world a person with immotions and thinking with heart  is a person full of mistakes. Is it true ? Can't a person be immotional or cant a person think or act with his heart ?
My friends, I cant understand what actually is a mistake ? Can anybody please help me to understand this word "mistake" ??

Friday 2 January 2015


We use many materials now a days in our routine life, such as pen, pencil, rubber, gadgets, etc,....., all this things are useful for a certain period of time. For eg., pen is useful to us until it writes as soon as the ink in the pen is over will not write, a gadget, for eg., a cell phone, it is useful to us untill the features are new, as soon as a new version is available in the market the present one will become outdated.
All this things which becomes useless, we don't keep it with us, we just throw them in garbej or in a dustbin. Am I right my dear friends ?
But now a days one more thing is being used and thrown away and that are human beings, shoked ? It is true my dear friends, that now a days human beings are also been used and when  they are used totally they are thrown away.
Human beings are now a days used in many ways, they are used for a specific work. For eg., a contractor uses the worker for construction work, an industrialiast uses a worker for industrial work, etc., etc.,...... but friends here we talk about use and throw, so comming back to the point all this human beings which are at work, if they work for others personal interest and are given proper reward then they are not used and thrown in real sense. But if they are not given any reward and are simply removed and neglected then in real sense they are "USED AND THROWN".
Friends think and mark around you, the other ways where the human beings are "USED AND THROWN", as if they are of no use or they are equal to a "garbej" or "waste".
Friends, lastly I would like to ask u that if anybody helps you or does any work on behalf of you is it so they afterwards they are meant for "USE AND THROW" ?