Friday 19 December 2014

An immotional fool

Immotions, feelings, are the words with deep meanings, these words are not of a normal meaning, these words consists of some words like, love, hatred, care, tensions for others etc., but they all have a very deep feeling and are philosophical words. These words when used are meant to be heartly said. It should be taken heartly as this words born out from heart and not from mind. The work of mind is to think, think practically and give a judgement and the mind always think practically and gives a judgement which does not see any thing whether it is harmful or not to anybody or some body who is close or even to the owner of that mind.
These words are now of no meaning or importance as the whole world is becoming practical. They have “No” time to listen to what the heart is trying to tell nor does they have time to sit a while and try to listen. Everybody today are in a race or they are in a stage where they don’t know really what they are doing or how they are living their life and the pitty is that they think they are the happiest person in the world. They think so because they have never peeped into their inner selves and tried to hear their inner voice they have just buried it deep inside from where the voice cant reach to their ears. If by mistake the voice reaches also then also it is immediately suppressed by the mind.
The opposite to this is the person living heartly, that is they live by listening to the heart and not to the mind. These peoples always listen to their heart and act as their heart says to them. No doubt that these people never prosper or gain any fame or any other materialistic wealth, they remain as they were and as they, their life goes on in a stable way.
The only benefit which they have against the others is they never envy others, they never  get frustrated not they become angry. They live in the same stage in happy or sorrow situation. It does not mean that they don’t have any feelings, they feel both happiness and sorrow but they very well know how to digest both the things.
The main characteristics of these persons is when they are sad they never saw how they feel. Instead they remain smiling and happy from outside and when they are happy really which is seldom they always spread it every where.
But as there are not so many of them they are considered as cheap and outdated personalities in this society. Everybody neglects them, uses them, humiliates them.
In short they are called :


Thursday 18 December 2014

A born slave, dies slave

In olden times we know that there used to be slaves who used to work in the fields, houses of the landlords and rich peoples, these slaves were sold in the market in many countries, in olden days, of the world. The slaves had to spent all his life in slavery and his or her children were also being slaved from the early childhood.
This was the condition of the ancient world today such slaves are not bought or sold in the world except in some places but the slavery still exist in the world. These slavery is of different types. People are becoming slave of many things in present time.
This slavery is very dangerous than the slavery which used to prevail in the ancient times. As this slavery is of different kind. The present slavery is, as we can say, is a materialistic slavery, an immotional slavery, etc…….
In ancient times the slaves did not have any choice as they were caught and sold away and mostly they were the tribal peoples who were not literate. They only have to accept the situation and live as their owner’s command. But the present day peoples and in totally opposite condition they are well literate, they are not a tribal person but then also they are a slave. How ?
Friends, today’s people are slave of materialistic wealth and some are immotional slaves.
People long for all the materialistic wealth. People want to possess everything. And once they start possessing they slowly and steadily becomes slave they cannot do without the thing and becomes frustrated. Here the slave is born. For eg. : if a person once did not possessed a vehicle and used to go on foot everywhere but as soon as he possesses a vehicle he will gradually stop going on foot and will go on his owned vehicle and at last he would completely stop walking. This is called slavery and then till his last breath he would be a slave.
Another type of slavery prevailing is the immotional slavery. It is true that it is on in the same proportion as materialistic slavery, it is in a very less proportion as in present age immotional peoples are very less and they are called immotional fools. But friends it is prevailing in the society. This slavery hampers a persons own wish and will. He or she has to live as per others wish and act as per others will. The person is not allowed to say or express any of their wishes or could not act as per their own wishes if they do so they are immotionally suppressed by their own fellow beings and the flow of reasons of suppressing are also given immotionally.
Friends this stage of life is a stage where a person first of all starts to do as per others wish, he starts living as others want him to live and slowly and gradually he becomes habituated to that life inspite of his own thoughts and feelings which he / she has already started suppressing. Now the person is in that state the he / she is not in a state to speak or express his / her own thoughts or feelings this is a complete slavery which we can say is a mental or immotional slavery inspite of the person’s sound mind and intellectual.
In both this type of slavery a person is of a sound mind he is thoughtful and can think of his / her well being but materials or immotional things makes him / her a slave.
In material slavery a person enjoys his life inspite of being a slave but in immotional slavery the person is not able to do so.

Lastly I would just ask a simple question to my reader that is it true to be a slave of materials and is it true to suppress a person who lives immotionally ?