Tuesday 9 September 2014

Thirsty person of desert

Friends, you all might be wondering why am I always writing on a topic which is not used frequently. I would clearify myself here that I love to think about the hidden facts of a human life.
A person whom we look, seems to be the happiest person of the world when looked for the first time or we see him or meet him many a times. But what is truth can't be seem or felt by just seeing or meeting him/her. We can't interpret anyone by just seeing or meeting. For interpreting a person we need to peep in his/her innerself. Then we can interpret the person exactly.
A person looking the happiest might ve the happiest person or it would be jst the opposite. In the whole world only humans have the ability to hide everything and some are expert in hiding their innerself. They are in short living two lives, one to show the world which is fake and the other what they actually are which is real. They generally hide their feelings, immotions, what they want, their longing, etc., etc.,
Friends if we take a simple example of love and happiness, the person who is able to hide will never show how much eager he is for receiving. Instead he will always be loving and careing for all those who r near to him. He will never let anyone know how he feels when he dosen't get what he is longing for. Then also he will always spread love and happiness to all.
Such person are in my opinion the sadest person in the world. They always spreads love and happiness to each and everyone, to such persons also who have shone very humilating attitude towards him but they themselves are deprived of such things. They are deprived of only a single moment in which they can feel heartly.
Such persons are called the "the thirsty person of desert" because in desert, a person dies due to thirst of water, similarly such a person dies longing for a single moment of love and happiness.

Sunday 7 September 2014

An unsuccessful person

Once there was a person living in a city, from the very childhood he was very sincere and hard working, dedicated to the family, always obidient, loving, caring, on the foot to fulfill the wishes of his dear onea. As time passed he tried his best to fulfill the wishes of his family and his dear ones. In this he forgot what his own life was and what were his own wishes, what typw of life he wished to live. In short he just became a commuter.
Friends, this is a common situation prevailing in a middle class family in our country. A boy who comes in this world has many wishes in his heart but when he is born in a middle class family he dosen't know, when he is young, that he will not be able to fulfill his dreams, which he is seeing in his young age, in this worryful world where he only has to do his duties and nothing els.
The culture of the family has made him learn to be dedicated towards duties and not towards own wishes. So he, when he grows up and becomes mature is always dedicated towards his duties and not towards his own dreams and wishes. He starts performing his duties and fulfull it at his best. He tries to make his family, beloved and frienda as happy as possible on the cost of his own wishes and lives happily and smiles always inspite of a crying heart beneath his ownself. Friends after all he is also a human being, he also has a heart which beats, which has some wishes, his mind thinks, he knows everything.
As time passes he suppress all his wishes beneath his duties and starts living in that manner. He tries to find happiness by fulfilling others wishes, expectations towards him.
But firends, its a pity that here he fails as this happiness is not in his fate when nobody understands him, nobody understands or sees what he is doing. Everybody is busy showing him his faults, neglecting what he is doing. No body sees that his heart is crying for happiness which is his right also. He also has the right to live happily in this world. Make his own life, his status, his relations, every thing. But he is not able to do so as he has to live according to others wishes and not as per his wish. Whenever he tries to live for himself even for a minute there are statements showing him his faults, abusing him, insulting him.
Its a pity that when a middle class person makes mistakes inspite of fulfilling all his duties, nobody gives a helping hand but everybody are eager to kik him, supress him and make him a slave, ignoring or neglecting their own mistakes. And the person happily without any rebel accepts all what he is sufferring from and again starts living.
This continues till he takes his last breath.
Finally, i would quote a sentence saied by a famous personality,
"Every body finds mistakes when a person is alive, when he is dead they don't find any mistakes in him."